CAC-Eurocentres diseña cursos y talleres especializados y hechos a la medida de nuestros clientes corporativos. Nos adaptamos a las necesidades de cada negocio, creando y diseñando cursos que garanticen que los colaboradores puedan desenvolverse en ámbitos laborales de manera exitosa. Estos cursos tienen una duración de 30 a 40 horas finalizando con la realización de un proyecto para evidenciar las competencias adquiridas.
Están dirigidos a personas que tengan un nivel B1 de conocimiento del idioma que les permita acercarse más a los objetivos planeados. Cada curso es dirigido por un docente experto y certificado en la temática asignada o deseada.
Los cursos se ofrecen como complemento del programa English Training.
AVAILABLE: Leading with Digital Transformation
This Course is Ideal for Professionals and Leaders Who are:
Building a strong digital culture across their organization, aiming to exceed customer expectations and achieve operational efficiencies to remain competitive through digital initiatives.
Planning to initiate technical projects or who have stepped into roles that require a digital-first mindset for driving digital transformation in their departments.
Exploring growth opportunities through digitization and aspiring to broaden their digital knowledge.
40% live lessons and 60% platform-based learning
12 weeks
Flexible payment options are available for this course
Table of Contents
Introduction to Digital Transformation
Define digital transformation and its benefits, and identify examples in your industry.
Describe the challenges faced by organizations attempting to digitally transform.
Explain how digital transformation can lead to new business models. Identify business needs that can be solved through digital transformation.
Digital Communication Strategies
Learn about digital communication methodologies and tools.
Develop communication skills for various digital platforms and contexts.
Data-driven Decision-Making
Evaluate the capabilities of cloud services to address business needs or capture new opportunities.
Design a business experiment.
Explain how to use data analytics and visualization to facilitate business decision-making.
E-commerce and Customer Experience
Learn about e-commerce approaches and up-to-date customer experience.
Discuss online business models and customer-centric strategies confidently.
Innovation and Disruption
Explore the capabilities and limitations of technologies.
Formulate ideas related to innovation and managing disruption within organizations
Capstone Project and Presentation
Define short- and long-term strategic goals of digital transformation.
Develop a digital transformation roadmap and evaluate digital initiatives.
Formulate strategies to transform individual behaviors and organizational culture to support digital transformation